We are accepting donations from the following crypto currencies at the moment. The goal is use the same crypto currencies we accept donations from on our platform and to add more crypto currencies in the future. Your donations will strictly be used for the following reasons.
BTC account 1GWvYtg4Y1HbFfRvrgXXMQRECpBV5beDtj
Eth account 0xdd5c4a7b874b5f511c21af7560ebf18e12c2b4b5
XRP Ripple account rEb8TK3gBgk5auZkwc6sHnwrGVJH8DuaLh Deposit Tag 100168145
TRX Tron account TBuDsAyXjnKoZFEqi7dbPCTKg5SN3LNFp6
Vet VeChain account 0xdd5c4a7b874b5f511c21af7560ebf18e12c2b4b5
ICX Icon account hxc51e161e533ff0655c20ac6ca73b3d2d8bdf2e08
Neo account ASY3VXR3ew25eQZw8JkEif1ZoBzXKmbnSn